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Due to new restrictions imposed by OS 10.6 Snow Leopard, there has been a change in BOINC's security implementation. Non-administrative users can no longer run BOINC Manager unless they are added to group boincmaster. As of BOINC 6.10.5, the BOINC installer asks whether or not you wish to add all non-admin users to group boincmaster. RELATED: 8 Mac System Features You Can Access in Recovery Mode. Your Mac's Recovery Mode is a treasure trove of useful tools, and it's the easiest way to wipe your computer and start from scratch. Shut down your Mac, turn it on while holding down Command+R. Your Mac will boot into the recovery partition.

If you're curious about whether or not you should upgrade your Mac, here are a few factors to consider, as well as a way to make using your updated Mac a bit more appealing. Use the arrow keys to select Boot OS X Install from Install OS X El Capitan (It should be selected by default). Press the spacebar and select Boot Mac OS X in verbose mode. Verbose mode means that you'll be able to see exactly what's going on under the hood as OS X attempts to boot up its installer.

Using Anaconda in a commercial setting? You may need to purchase a license to stay compliant with our Terms of Service. This can be accomplished through Anaconda Commercial Edition, Anaconda Team Edition, or Anaconda Enterprise. If you have already purchased Commercial Edition, please proceed to the Authenticating Commercial Edition section after completing your installation here.

Haven't purchased Commercial Edition yet? Visit to get started.

You can install Anaconda using either the graphical installer ('wizard') or thecommand line ('manual') instructions below. If you are unsure, choose the graphical install.

Mac Os You Have Not Chosen To Trust Citrix

macOS graphical install¶

Not_you Mac Os 11

  1. Download the graphical macOS installer for your version of Python.

  2. RECOMMENDED: Verify data integrity with SHA-256.For more information on hashes, see What about cryptographic hash verification?

  3. Double-click the downloaded file and click continue to start the installation.

  4. Answer the prompts on the Introduction, Read Me, and License screens.

  5. Click the Install button to install Anaconda in your ~/opt directory (recommended):

  6. OR, click the Change Install Location button to install in another location (not recommended).

    On the Destination Select screen, select Install for me only.


    If you get the error message 'You cannot install Anaconda in this location,' reselect Install for me only.

  7. Click the continue button.

  8. Optional: To install PyCharm for Anaconda, click on the link to

    Or to install Anaconda without PyCharm, click the Continue button.

  9. A successful installation displays the following screen:

  10. Verify your installation.

Using the command-line install¶

Use this method if you prefer to use a terminal window.

Not_you Mac Os Download

  1. In your browser, download the command-line version of themacOS installer for your system.

  2. RECOMMENDED: Verify data integrity with SHA-256.For more information on hash verification, see cryptographic hash validation.

    • Open a terminal and run the following:


    Replace /path/filename with your installation's path and filename.

  3. Install for Python 3.7 or 2.7:

    • For Python 3.7 enter the following:

    • For Python 2.7, open the or iTerm2 terminal application and then enter the following:


    Include the bash command regardless of whether or not you are using the Bash shell.


    Replace ~/Downloads with your actual path and with actual name of the file you downloaded.

  4. The installer prompts 'In order to continue the installation process, please review the license agreement.'Click Enter to view the license terms.

  5. Square square mac os. Scroll to the bottom of the license terms and enter yes to agree to them.

  6. The installer prompts you to Press Enter to confirm the location, Press CTRL-C to cancel the installationor specify an alternate installation directory. If you confirm the default location,it will display PREFIX=/home//anaconda<2or3> and continue the installation.


    Unlike the graphical install, installing the shell file will place it in ~/anaconda<2 or 3> by default,not ~/opt. This is due to limitations with installing .pkg files on macOS Catalina.

    Installation may take a few minutes to complete.


    We recommend you accept the default install location. Lieutenant butterfly (prototype) mac os. Do not choose the path as /usr for theAnaconda/Miniconda installation.

  7. The installer prompts 'Do you wish the installer to initialize Anaconda3by running conda init?' We recommend 'yes'.


    If you enter 'no', then conda will not modify your shell scripts at all.In order to initialize after the installation process is done, first runsourcetoconda>/bin/activate and then run condainit.


    If you are on macOS Catalina, the new default shell is zsh.You will instead need to run sourcetoconda>/bin/activatefollowed by condainitzsh.

  8. The installer displays 'Thank you for installing Anaconda!'

  9. Optional: The installer describes the partnership between Anaconda and JetBrains andprovides a link to install PyCharm for Anaconda at

  10. Close and open your terminal window for the Anaconda installation to take effect.

  11. To control whether or not each shell session has the base environmentactivated or not, run condaconfig--setauto_activate_baseFalseorTrue. To run conda from anywhere without having the base environmentactivated by default, use condaconfig--setauto_activate_baseFalse.This only works if you have run condainit first.


    condainit is available in conda versions 4.6.12 and later. Build it (itch) mac os.

  12. Verify your installation.

Not_you Mac Os X

What's next?¶

Not_you Mac Os Catalina

Get started programming quickly with Anaconda in the Getting started with Anaconda guide.

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